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World’s Best Coffee? American YouTuber Votes for Vietnam!

As you sit on a lively street in Vietnam, the aroma of exceptional coffee captivates your senses. That’s the kind of experience Sonny, the star of the YouTube channel “Best Ever Food Review Show,” raves about.

He’s been everywhere, tasted everything, but for him, nothing beats the coffee in Vietnam. He says with excitement in his video, “I’ve traveled all over the world, but no country created a better coffee experience than Vietnam.”

That’s a big statement, especially from someone who has tasted as many flavors as Sonny has!

In Vietnam, coffee is more than just a drink for the morning; it’s a big part of life.

Everywhere you go, from busy city streets to quiet alleys, you’ll find coffee shops buzzing with life and vendors sharing their unique brews. They’re always full of people enjoying their coffee and hanging out.

Street Coffee

The secret to the perfect Vietnamese coffee lies in the ‘phin’, a small metal filter that’s a key to unlocking the rich, full flavors.

Watching the coffee drip slowly through the phin is almost like a meditation – it’s about taking your time to enjoy the moment.

The unique flavor of Vietnamese coffee comes from the beans they use. The Robusta beans, popular in Vietnam, are known for their strong and distinct taste, quite different from the more commonly used Arabica beans.

a phin and a cup of coffee with milk and coffee beans

These robust beans create a coffee that’s not just a drink, but an experience, bold and rich in flavor.

The journey of Vietnamese coffee began with the French, but the Vietnamese made it their own. They’ve mastered the art of coffee making, turning it into an experience that’s rich and diverse.

There’s the classic strong coffee, known for waking up your senses with its bold flavor.

When it comes to coffee with milk, the Vietnamese have their own special takes: Café Sữa Đá (coffee with sweetened condensed milk) and Bạc Xỉu (a version with more milk than coffee, making it creamier and lighter).

Vietnamese coffee with milk

What’s more, Vietnamese coffee culture is also a playground of creativity. Take Egg Coffee, for instance –  it’s like having your coffee and dessert all in one, with a creamy, sweet, whipped egg layer on top of strong coffee. Coconut Coffee brings a slice of tropical paradise, blending creamy coconut with rich coffee.

egg coffee and coconut coffee

Yogurt Coffee is for those who love a bit of tanginess of yogurt with their caffeine, and Salt Coffee – a surprisingly delightful combination – mixes salty and sweet in a way that just works.

yogurt coffee and salt coffee

So when Sonny, a guy who has tasted the best in the world, says Vietnam’s coffee is top-notch, it’s about more than just flavor. It’s about the culture, the innovation, and the love poured into every cup.

From the strong, traditional coffee to the creamy Café Sua, and the inventive Egg and Salt coffees, there’s a world of tastes to explore.

Maybe it’s time to dive into the Vietnamese coffee scene and see if you agree with Sonny’s bold claim. Who knows, you might just find your new favorite cup!