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The Best Times To Book The Cheapest Flights to Vietnam (and Pro Tips with Google Filghts)

Are you dreaming of exploring the lively streets of Hanoi, cruising through the serene waters of Halong Bay, or savoring the spicy flavors of authentic Vietnamese pho?

Vietnam is calling, and I’m here to guide you through the maze of finding budget-friendly flights to this enchanting destination.

Key Takeaways:

  • Best Booking Times: For the most affordable flights to Vietnam, consider March, April, and May as your prime booking months.
  • Flight costs vary across regions; cheaper options are typically available outside peak tourist seasons and major holidays.
  • Strategic Booking: Advance planning, weekday travel, and staying alert to special deals can lead to additional savings (more on this later).

Best Times and Places to Book Your Adventure

Before we start talking about the amazing trip to Vietnam, let’s first look at some really important numbers. We’re going to talk about the cheapest flights from the USA to Vietnam from January to November.

These numbers come from the Google Flights Price Graph. It’s a cool tool that shows us the best prices for each month. Knowing when flights are cheapest will help us pick the best time to buy your tickets.

Let’s take a flight from San Jose, California to Hanoi, Vietnam as an example.

graph prices vn

December’s pricing data isn’t shown on the Google Flights price graph we referenced, but this month generally sees higher flight prices due to the Christmas and New Year’s holiday seasons. For a more detailed explanation, please scroll down.

Timing is your wallet’s best friend. The most budget-friendly months to book flights to Vietnam are March, April, and especially May.

During these months, the demand for flights is lower, which often leads to more competitive pricing. Flight prices can be significantly lower than the peak travel month of June, offering substantial savings.

You can expect to see flight prices decrease by 5% to as much as 50% compared to high season rates.

For example, a flight costing around $800 or more in June might drop to about $450 in April, even $400 in May, demonstrating the potential savings available during these optimal booking periods.

Regional Climate, Seasonal Trends, and Cost Implications

When you’re thinking about the best time to fly to Vietnam, it’s like solving a puzzle. You have to look at when people in Vietnam like to travel and when people from other countries want to visit. The prices of flights can give us some cool clues.

From January to May, even though the weather is nice in Vietnam, the flights are not too expensive.

This might be because after the big Tet holiday (Vietnamese New Year), not many people in Vietnam are traveling. So, airlines make the tickets cheaper for people coming from other countries.

tet holiday

But in June, something interesting happened. The weather gets really hot and it’s not the usual time for tourists to visit Vietnam. However, the ticket prices go up!

This is probably because a lot of people in Vietnam start going on summer vacations. So, even though it’s hot, more people are flying, and the prices go up.

Cua Dai Hoi An

After June, from July to November, things get quieter again. The summer rush is over, and it’s not yet a busy time for tourists from other countries. So, the flight prices go down and it becomes a good time to get cheaper tickets to Vietnam.

So, when you’re planning a trip to Vietnam, remember to think about when people in Vietnam like to travel, not just the weather or tourist seasons. This way, you can find the best time to fly without spending too much money!

On the other hand, December is a busy travel time worldwide because of the holidays, like Christmas and New Year’s. Many people are looking to fly either for vacations or to visit family.

Plus, in Vietnam, the weather in December is usually nice, especially in the south, making it a great time for tourists to visit. All these factors together mean that more people want to fly, so the airlines charge more for tickets.


Understanding Vietnam’s seasonal pricing trends is crucial. Be mindful of the significant hike in airfares during popular travel times like summer, Tet holiday (usually late January), and key national holidays such as April 30th (Reunification Day), and May 1st (International Labor Day).

These dates are peak travel times in Vietnam due to national celebrations and public holidays, leading to increased demand for flights and higher prices.

For instance, a flight that might cost around $750 during quieter months could see a substantial increase, potentially soaring above $1200 during these bustling holiday periods and the summer season.

Smart Booking Strategies for Extra Savings

  • Advance Bookings: To avoid the steep increase in prices observed in June, it’s advisable to book well in advance, particularly if your travel dates fall in the earlier months of the year.
  • Weekday Flights: Flying mid-week can be cheaper than weekend flights.
  • Alerts for Deals: Sign up for airline newsletters and fare alerts to catch any surprise deals (See pro tips below).

Pro Tips: My Strategy with Google Flights

To effectively monitor flight prices to Vietnam, it’s beneficial to use Google Flights’ alert system. This tool is not only useful for notifying you about changes in flight prices but also provides access to a price graph.

The price graph is really useful because it shows flight price trends over time. This visual display can help you figure out the best time to book your flight.

Using the Price Graph

  • Step 1: Go to Google Flights and input your departure location (e.g. New York) and your destination (e.g. Hanoi, Vietnam).
  • Step 2: Click on “Price graph” on the page. It’s a line chart that shows how flight prices have gone up or down over time.
  • Step 3: Find the parts of the graph where the line dips down. These dips mean flights were cheaper at those times.

Example: You might see the prices are high in February (due to the Tet holiday) but lower in late March. This tells you that flying in late March could save you money.

price graph google flight

Setting Up Price Alerts

  • While still on Google Flights, turn on the ‘Track prices’ option for your flight.
  • Google will send you an email if the price of your flight goes up or down. This way, you won’t miss any good deals!

price alert google flight

Combining Price Graphs and Alerts

  • Use what you learned from the price graph to guess when prices might be low.
  • If you get an email saying prices have dropped around the time you thought they would be cheap, it’s probably a great time to book your flight.

Wrapping It Up

As you pack your bags for Vietnam, remember that smart planning can lead to significant savings on your flights.

By choosing the right time to book — particularly during the off-peak months of March, April, and May — you can enjoy this beautiful country without overspending.

Each region of Vietnam offers its unique charm, and understanding the seasonal pricing trends can help you navigate your way to the best deals.

With these tips in hand, you’re all set for a memorable and affordable Vietnamese adventure.